January 12, 2025

Face to Face with Abuja’s Residents


As 2023 presidential election nears, we are bringing you insight on where Nigerians lean. To understand where the country stands and what voters think, it’s important to take a step back and look at the current landscape.

A holistic poll was carried out on various demographics and regions across the country which we will be releasing once a month until election day. A glance at preliminary results of that poll showed deep divisions amongst the populace, stretching from the current state of the nation, ethnicity, religion, et al.

Many are angry, disillusioned, and frustrated with the current government, whilst a rapidly diminishing minority still think that the country is heading the right direction. Regardless of which side you stand, we are striving to bring unbiased data in way of polling that will give comprehensive insight on what’s going on in the minds of Nigerians. Stay tuned and engaged in the political process.

Our poll conducted in Abuja between the 21st and 22nd November 2022, convey some key findings. Though a small sample size, this was however random, covering rural communities in the outliers of central Abuja.

Sample size: 70

We are splitting our findings by gender, marital status, religion and of course, general.

The Labour Party candidate leads with an overall percentage at 70%, APC at 5.8%, PDP and NNPP at 2.9% each with a ratio of 18.6% undecided.

It is no secret that the upcoming election has everyone on edge. With the incumbent’s term wrapping up, the race for his successor gains momentum. Nigeria’s relatively young democracy has a duopoly political party dominance (PDP and APC), though far from being the only two parties, the other parties have mainly been symbolical with little or no winning chance.

However, the unprecedented increase in poverty and abysmal failure of the current government has birthed a fearless, but charismatic politician who has become the face of the youth Peter Gregory Obi, former governor of Anambra state. Obi is not exactly a newcomer, but his message has resonated with the younger audience.

The chart below gives you an indication of where Abuja voters lean if election were to hold on the 22nd November 2022. NNPP and PDP scored slightly higher amongst Muslim voters whilst LP was emphatic amongst Christian voters, with APC barely just lingering on Christian voters.

Social Media Influence 

Nigerians are the most addicted social media users in Africa, with a vibrant young population, it is no surprise they are leaning towards Peter Obi who has become a social media phenomenon. The days of television, newspaper and radio are in the past, this generation is one of social media, and this has made it easier for Peter Obi to push across his message, and they are buying it in their numbers.

Our polls also show that participation amongst young people has never been this high, thus granting Labour the lead in Gen Z and Millennial with 14% and 27% respectively. APC on the other hand, reigned with GenX with 16% with PDP and NNPP scoring way lower.

Another interesting factor is the number of undecided voters, it could be argued that, given the difference in the candidates, and the downward trajectory the country has stumbled on, staying undecided is a mystery.



OLUWOLE, V (2022) ‘Nigerians are the most addicted social media users in Africa – see how other countries rank’ Business Inside Africa, 10 February 2022.

Available at: https://africa.businessinsider.com/local/lifestyle/nigerians-are-the-most-addicted-social-media-users-in-africa-see-how-other-countries/7d93c98

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