Thunbnail Corrupt Nigeria - TWITTER

The Noun “Corruption” Was Introduced to the English Lexicon with Nigeria In Mind

Nigeria: A concatenation of various nations into a disunited nation called Nigeria, coined by the British to serve as its subject during the British global colonisation project dubbed “The British Empire.”

The present Nigeria has ethnic groups that have existed independently as nations for centuries if not millennials. These ethnic groups, though under an umbrella called Nigeria, still identify by their ethnicity; some have a whopping population of up to 65 million, bigger than a handful of countries in Europe.

Some of the fundamentals of nationhood are ethnicity, language, culture, tradition, et al. The ethnic make-up of the present inorganic Nigeria spells ethnic, language, and cultural disconnection, which is hindering Nigeria from becoming a nation.


The Noun Corruption Was Founded With Nigeria In Mind

With the ethnic differences and the various Nigerian ethnic groups identifying by their ethnicity instead, leadership overlap is skewed towards ethnic favouritism and discrimination that hinders progress as a nation. For example, when a president from ethnic A takes office, he shifts focus within the geographical area of his ethnicity, thus undermining the nation. This is a domino rollercoaster microcosm that is commonplace throughout the country, from the smallest public office to the top job in the land.

Ethnic cohesion is near absent; Nigerians don’t see themselves as one; to pretend that this country is a single union is living in an alternate universe. Corruption is institutionalised in Nigeria. No public or private office is spared; Nigerians no longer complain; they want to have their share of the national cake, which basically means their fair share of the loot. Calls for transparency or changing the status quo are seen as a fantasy only possible in other countries; in fact, corruption has become the norm in Nigeria.

How do you change a country whose norm is corruption? Over 70% of Nigerians have only ever known this, which translates to the majority of the country having a system of vice as their norm. The danger this would have for posterity is impossible to calculate.

Not a single top Nigerian politician has ever been convicted of corruption. How is this possible? In fact, one such politician was charged in the UK; he escaped to Nigeria, where he was pardoned by the then-President Goodluck Jonathan (what a joke for a first name). The vice going on in Nigeria is so shocking that it shocks those versed in Nigeria even more as to why Nigerians themselves are not shocked.

So, BantuPage asks the question again: Why is not a single top Nigerian politician convicted of corruption? The devil is in the header of this video.


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By Ikechukwu ORJI

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