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White Population Collapses as Black’s Skyrocket


The white population is at risk of diminishing in numbers. Birthrates in white countries are increasingly declining beyond tolerable numbers. There is not a single white country that does not have a birth rate deficit. Whites, who were the dominant force in the 19th and early 20th centuries, have now become a minority race in the world. It appears that the wealthier a country is, the less successful it is in producing babies. This is because non-white progressive and equally rich countries like Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Chile have low birth rates. If there is no change in the baby factory for Caucasians, South Asians, Blacks, and Han Chinese will inevitably continue to dominate the world into the late 21st century and firmly into the 22nd.

Several Western countries are now opening up to immigrants from baby boom regions like Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. With such measures, Western economies will strengthen in the face of China’s unrelenting march towards total dominance. Further studies may be necessary to understand the decline in the birth rate for white people, given how concerning the birth rate is. For example, the birth rate amongst black Americans is higher than their white counterpart, even though they share the same geography or country. The same is true for the UK, Canada, and France.

In 1914, whites made up 35% of the world, whilst black Africa made up barely 6%. In 1949, Han Chinese comprised 21% of the world, against a 30% white population. In 1960, the decline persisted, with the proportion of white people dropping from 30% 11 years before that (1949) to 28%. Between the late 1980s and early 2000s, the drop accelerated. Whites now comprise only 10% of the world’s population, whereas Han Chinese comprise 18%. The biggest winners are South Asians, making up 28% of the world—a staggering 2.2 billion. The black race is the fastest-growing of all races. It was just 100 million in 1900, but today, it is a staggering 1.5 billion, and it is speeding so fast that analysts have projected a threefold surge in just four decades.

In 1900, the black population was less than 100 million. It is now 1.5 billion, blowing through the roof.


The 22nd century could well start with every third human being black. In fact, in the 22nd century, it will be difficult to be racist towards black people, as every region in the world would have black people, and its overall population size would make it impossible to ignore. But would this overpopulation transform into poverty eradication or industrialisation, leading to black Africa becoming economically viable? The answer is a mixed bag. However, a third of the population in the West would be black. The black race would be so ubiquitous that its presence in geopolitics and world political shaping would overwhelm the concept of racism as we know it in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

Unlike blacks, in the 22nd century, whites, Koreans, Japanese, and even the Han Chinese would all see a decline in their population. No other ethnic group would decline more than the East Asian duo of Korea and Japan, followed by whites, who would see their percentage margin slashed. The resurgence of the black race after centuries of invasion, slavery, colonisation, and total depletion of its people, land, and endowment is remarkable. Black people have come from the brink of extinction to potentially dominate the world. The 22nd century would be, arguably, the black century. Black children born in the late 19th century would lead their offspring into the most prosperous era for black people. And their posterity would only learn about the poverty, ridicule, and racism faced by their grandparents through history books, folklore, or stories passed by their grandparents.


By Ikechukwu ORJI

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