October 16, 2024

Pathetic Africa—The Continent of Beggars!


As mpox spreads in the Congo and the rest of Africa, no African country can make vaccines or find a cure for it. With about a thousand deaths and over thirty thousand suspected cases, now over twenty countries, Africans are busy praying to the heavens instead of developing research and development centres to spearhead the tools needed to protect and develop Africa.

What is Mpox?

Mpox is an illness caused by the monkeypox virus. The virus can spread to humans from an animal host, such as rodents or nonhuman primates, such as monkeys, or between people.

Hands of a child infected with the mpox virus.


Twenty-five states in Nigeria have confirmed cases of mpox. Why aren’t the country’s miracle-healing pastors performing miracles to eradicate mpox? They are not because they are all fraudsters preying on the gullible. Sub-Saharan Africa, home to 1.2 billion black people, cannot develop vaccines to combat diseases that originate within their borders. Pathetic!

WHO has approved the German-Danish company Bavarian Nordic’s mpox vaccine for adolescents aged 12 to 17. Japan’s LC16 vaccines, by KM Biologics, can already be given to children. Every day, at least fifty million sub-Saharan Africans visit religious places, whilst less than ten thousand visit research and development facilities. Imagine the tide was switched. Some countries have no research and development centres. Africa has no framework in place to combat potential outbreaks. It spends more time upholding irrelevant traditions and cultures that suppress secularism, science, and other academic branches that go against its archaic, nonsensical traditions.

The face of a child infected with mpox virus.


Africa is the capital of malaria, with 94% of all cases and 95% of all deaths in the world. Yet, it produces almost no cure. For centuries, Africans died of malaria. It took a Westerner, Alphonse Lavéran, to discover malaria, and the subsequent cure also came from the West. Nearly all, if not all, of the diseases that emanate from Africa, and there are many, have been non-Africans who have researched and developed cures. Why?

As mpox continues to spread throughout Africa and the world, 70% of Africans remain unaware of it, while the remaining 20% who are aware choose to ignore it and continue their lives without taking preventative measures. The cultural and religious practices trump common sense. Science is ignored since education is not prioritised. It has the lowest number of scientists in the world. No one who survives through handouts can command respect. Africa is Africa’s greatest threat. Black sub-Saharan Africans are the greatest danger to themselves.

In Nigeria, mpox has continued spreading. The country is so unregulated that it is nearly impossible to ascertain the actual impact thoroughly. The absence of standard healthcare facilities, clean water, electricity, food, the movement of people, unregulated systems, and the lack of knowledge and capacity to combat basic health hazards make the country one of the most susceptible to potential outbreaks. The numbers are probably far higher; less than 10% of the country’s 230 million people have even heard of mpox. People flock to religious centres with poor hygiene every day, providing a breeding ground for viruses. The lack of discipline in Nigeria and Africa is a danger to the world.

Mpox is real and spreading quickly throughout Africa. Meanwhile, Africans are largely unaware of this disease. Denmark and Japan have developed the MVA-BN and LC16 vaccines for Denmark and Japan, respectively. African countries spread their hands like famished pets, wagging their tails to their owners when they notice they are about to be fed. Denmark and Japan are 0.3% and 10% of sub-Saharan Africa, respectively. Why can’t 1.2 billion sub-Saharan Africans develop vaccines and other cures for their never-ending diseases? Five million Denmark and Japan are the only countries with proven pox vaccine manufacturers, and they are giving them for free to Africa because 1.2 billion sub-Saharan Africa cannot develop one.

I ask again, what is wrong with sub-Saharan Africa?



By Ikechukwu ORJI

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